Proactively assess and manage risk.

Particle delivers the comprehensive clinical insights you need to get a clear understanding of risk.

Optimize patient and provider engagement.

Empower providers to reduce costly hospital readmissions.

High-risk patients are far more likely to be readmitted to the hospital after a care event. Particle provides real-time alerts with the key clinical context providers need to intervene quickly and effectively after a patient is discharged.

Spot gaps in preventative care.

Unaddressed medical issues result in sicker patients, higher costs, and increased utilization. With Particle, payers and providers can clearly see when patients are due for wellness screenings and take action to optimize care, prevent disease progression, and keep costs under control.

Boost quality measures and optimize reimbursements.

Clinical data can help bridge the gap between payers and providers, delivering a more accurate picture of your population’s health in order to improve performance across quality measures.

Built for your most pressing use cases

Care Gap Closure

Readmission Reduction

Referral Management

Risk Stratification

Transitions of Care

Particle solutions for payers

Instantly tap into the most relevant details from a patient’s clinical history, surfaced via AI-powered summarization.

Real-time alerts about patient health events provide the context providers need to optimize followup care.

Med Rec

Easily use clinical medication records to create innovative digital health solutions that improve patient care.

Ready to get started?