Drive strategic growth with patient journey insights.

Uncover how patients are moving through — or out of — your network in real time.

Talk To Our Experts

Strategic growth is limited by de-identified claims data.

Health systems struggle to understand patient behavior, and claims-based data solutions stop at the provider level. This makes it challenging to take a proactive approach to growth.


Get identifiable insights with Particle Navigator.

Particle Navigator delivers the patient journey insights you need to drive immediate action. Pair timely clinical follow-up with personalized, targeted outreach to ensure patients receive the care they need, when they need it.

What you can do with Particle Navigator


Boost patient engagement.

To determine the most effective ways to initiate and maintain patient engagement, you need a comprehensive understanding of their journey.

Personalize outreach based on recent diagnoses.

Ensure high-value procedures are scheduled in-network.

Take a data-driven approach to preventative care reminders.


Keep track of patient activity across care settings.

Knowing how patients interact with your health system is critical for strategic growth. This includes understanding where patients receive high-value care across service lines.

  • Get notified when a patient receives a high-value procedure out of network.
  • Ensure follow-up care remains in-system after a patient visits an external provider.

Rx management, monitoring, & distribution

With Med Rec, you can easily use clinical medication records to create innovative digital health solutions that improve patient care:

  • Provides up-to-date de-duplicated medication data for accurate reconciliation and adherence monitoring
  • Enables fast, accurate onboarding
  • Improve patient safety and outcomes by helping to ensure the right patient gets the right meds at the right time — without duplicating efforts or prescribing contraindicated medications
Learn More

A solution built for:

Med Rec

Easily use clinical medication records to create innovative digital health solutions that improve patient care.

Health Systems

Particle delivers the real-time, patient-level, care journey high-you need to fuel strategic growth.

Ready to get started?