Get real-time alerts that drive meaningful action.

Proactive notifications offer valuable insight into high-risk patient health events — including the context providers need to optimize care.

Talk To Our Experts

Providers are stuck reacting to care events long after the fact.

Keeping up with changes in patient health is hard — but vital. Especially for high-risk patients, it’s critical for cost reduction and value-based care success. But you can’t get ahead of issues you don’t know about until weeks or months later.


Proactively manage high-risk patients with Particle Signal.

No more relying on delayed claims or limited EMR data. Real-time, contextualized Signal notifications empower providers to monitor high-risk patients and implement targeted interventions before costly events occur.

What you can do with Particle Signal


Prevent costly hospital readmissions.

An estimated 27% of readmissions are considered avoidable. Enroll a cohort of patients, and we’ll monitor providers across the US, sending real-time alerts about any new events.

  • Automatically receive discharge information for all inpatient and emergency events.
  • Conduct post-discharge follow up within the crucial 72 hour window.
  • Seamlessly integrate your organization’s existing ADT feeds.

Rx management, monitoring, & distribution

With Med Rec, you can easily use clinical medication records to create innovative digital health solutions that improve patient care:

  • Provides up-to-date de-duplicated medication data for accurate reconciliation and adherence monitoring
  • Enables fast, accurate onboarding
  • Improve patient safety and outcomes by helping to ensure the right patient gets the right meds at the right time — without duplicating efforts or prescribing contraindicated medications
Learn More

A solution built for:

Value-based care

From patient risk assessment, to care optimization, to accurate outcomes reporting — we’ve got you covered.


Particle delivers the high-quality insights you need to optimize performance, maintain compliance, and more.

Ready to get started?